Tag Swimming

3 May

About Murter and Tisno

The Island Murter belongs to the North Dalmatian group of islands, which contains almost 40 % of all Croatian islands and is the most dense archipelago in both the Adriatic and the Mediterranean.

17 Aug

Things to do and see

In the sunny and sea-surrounded Tisno and the island of Murter, you can find refreshments from the hot summer days at the numerous beaches and bays, hidden or public, or at any place you find ideal for swimming.

17 Aug

Kayaking in Tisno

We are here to make your vacation different and more attractive, to get to know our sea and coast in a special way. Are you wondering how easy to get a fresh, cool look at the place where you spend your vacation?

13 Jul

Ten best beaches to visit in Tisno and area

Island Murter is famous for its beautiful beaches. Pristine clean Adriatic sea is both a source of health, wellness and family fun times.